Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Tunes lives. The problem with life is that it gets in the way of the things that matter. Like discovering and sharing new and important songs. It's easy to let homework, work work, and other things crowd out one's priorities. But as I said before...The Tunes lives, and I'll make no other apologies, onto music. There are 2 bands I want to mention today. Both are awesome. Have you ever felt the need to be "pumped up"? I know you're thinking, "Rage Against the Machine, Duh." and I really can't disagree with that, but let's broaden our horizons. In fact, let's get out of our country all together and fly across the Atlantic to the UK. We Were Promised Jetpacks and Archie Bronson Outfit are 2 bands that have never failed to kick me into shape when I needed it. Lifting weights? I prescribe Quiet Little Voices (WWPJ) or Blood Heat (ABO). Fighting something? Thunder and Lightning (WWPJ) or The Wheels Roll On (ABO). The singer of each band yells atonally in a manner that just fits for any kind of stressful situation. Jetpacks hail from Scotland and Archie is very obviously very british. And while the former does maintain a rhythmic and clean sound with interludes of calm and even hints of vocal melody in many songs. Bronson does not. Every song on the album Fur is pounding, distorted, and grindingly great. If you're asking "Cale, I only have one set of ears and time is money which should I listen to?" then I'll respond with a stare of disbelief, then I'd humor you and say this..."Ok Gordon Gekko, WWJP had come a long way since their battle of the bands roots in 2003 where they first got their start. Symphonic intros and outros and soothing breaks in their pounding sound do wonders at making the aggressive riffs more aggressive by comparison. You won't feel angry when you listen to them, you'll feel inspired and powerful. Meanwhile, if you need to dredge through a task you need the Outfit. Their sound isn't pretty and they have stayed true to the underproduced garage sound they have been known for since the beginning. Neither is better or worse in my opinion, so make time for both" Wall Street can wait.