Sunday, June 27, 2010


This feels a little delayed but in my defense. I'm trying to getting
everything ready for my move this week. Luckily, I remember it like it
was last night. My first impression as I stood outside in line was not
a good one. I was surrounded by underweight hispty looking guys and
slutty looking teenage girls. I couldn't help but wonder..."Is this
really who I share my musical taste with? I could eat half these
kids." When the be-bearded be-tattooed bouncer let us in I found the
venue to be what I hoped for, an industrial, open space where no
matter where you are, you'll get a great show. Around 7:30 the opening
band got on stage and put on a good show. Who was it? What were they
singing about?I don't know. 2nd band. Same thing. Both good. But I was
here for PTM and I had to wait 3.5 hours for them. I'll admit, I'm new
to the concert scene so I don't know if this is par. BUT as soon as
Portugal. The Man took the stage I was so glad I came. This band
exploded into life from first song to last. I read somewhere that the
band's abnormal namesake is derived from an attempt to create a larger
than life persona. Portugal. The Man himself. Someone bigger than
the collective members of the band itself. Well Portugal was present
and rocking that night. On their tightly produced albums they sound
great, and I've even mentioned this on my previous review, but I said
they are great background music. Now, I feel bad for having written
such words. The band shucked whatever calmness that gave me such
opinion and rocked. I mean rock and roll. I mean forget your problems,
your job, your money and dance! Maybe this is how all concerts work
but the music seemed so all engrossing and important right then.
During 1989 we (the crowd) yelled and swayed and some cried. During
People Say we jumped and fist pumped and yelled. During Dead Dog we
almost drowned out the music. As I'm sitting here writing this I wish
they were playing again tonight. I'd go right now. All in all let me
sum this up. When you listen to Portugal. The Man. LISTEN TO THEM! Let
them carry you away with their unique blend of music. And try to
imagine the embodiment of the superhuman they try to create. And if
they ever show up in your town. GO! and get as close to the stage as
you can. Rock and roll everyone. Til' next time.

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